
Roxton Foundation Series is for the fans of Noble Satyr, so many of whom want to know what happens after Antonia and Roxton's happily ever after. This series answers that call, with a story arc linked by intimate vignettes of the ducal couple's early married life with their infant son and immediate family.

The series begins with Noble Satyr, the novel that prequels the entire Roxton Family Saga by two decades. This new edition of Noble Satyr has been re-edited, and now also includes the full set of Letters. These eight Noble Satyr-specific letters were previously published in Eternally Yours: Roxton Letters Volume One. They are included in this edition to keep this series self-contained and complete.

Not to be overlooked are all-new Audiobook versions of each book in the series, all performed by the multiple Audie Award winning voice artist Mary Jane Wells. Mary Jane has long been on my wish list so it’s an absolute delight to hear her read my stories at long last! Mary Jane also reads Noble Satyr, and the included letters, so now you have the option of listening to the Roxton foundation story, read in either the rich masculine tones of Alex Wyndham or the gorgeous feminine voicing of Mary Jane Wells. Best you enjoy listening to both!

Roxton monogram